Sugar has two separate components: Sugar OS and Sugar activities. I don't believe anyone believes that the source code for Sugar OS should be anywhare a developer wants. Developers are free and should develop on their own repository often on their own development machine. The goal of the development is to improve Sugar in a future release. When ready, the developer needs to upload the change to SugarLabs github repository (e.g. by a PR). Back in the day, a pull request was a signal that a change was proposed and that other developers should pause until the change was merged. In this method the pull request was made for a very short time before it was merged and developers were free to check their changes to see if they were affected. Many developments use this technique to manage continuous integration where at any moment a build can be made from the repository to make sure it does not have regressions and to test the new capability.

So there is never a requirement that a developer does their work on the SugarLabs github, but there is a requirement that all changes that go into a release be made there.

The same basic principal applies to the activities, but I believe that we should have a for repositories of Sugar activities. All releases of activities to ASLO should be made from the github/sugaractivities repostory by the Activity Team. The git procedures for activities should not be the same as for Sugar OS since the requirements are completely different.

For Sugar OS, the code in mulitple repositories must be integrated to make a release and the developers are working concurrently on changes for the next release. Testing also needs to be much more extensive (hence, the value of continuous integration, automated regression tests and so on.

Sugar activities are developed and released by individual activity. This means far less collaborative work on a specific activity - most fixes and development are done by individuals for that particular activity. Further, the cost of a mistake is minimal. First, it affects at most one activity. Second, the user has a ready fallback to the previous version and even the ability to fix the problem themselves since the activity contains all of the code.

Keeping the two separate, enables having different development procedures and safety checks.

Because of the confusion in implementation of github, we are in a situation that nearly two hundred activities with github repositories are unavailable to Ubuntu users of Sugar - wasting the effort of many GCI and GSOC contributors. Currently there are only 10 activities available for the Ubuntu Sugar. This is apparently the consequence of attempting to apply procedures appropriate and necessary for Sugar OS to the Sugar activities.

I really appreciate your raising these questions about the goal of your project.


On Saturday, 19 May, 2018 05:40 AM, James Cameron wrote:
On Fri, May 18, 2018 at 11:14:45PM +0200, Bastien wrote:
Hi James,

James Cameron <> writes:

People have often said "we should migrate them all to GitHub", but as
far as I can see the only _sensible_ justification is where pull
requests are to be merged by multiple developers.
Another justification would be to help *discovery* of repositories by
potential contributors.
Yes.  On the other hand we have too many already, and no lack of
opportunities for potential contributors.

While I recognize enforcing a central authority is not good, there is
still value in encouraging people to use
which is what the Github button does on the homepage.
Yes, sure, encourage.  But not to mandate.

My practice is to fork newly discovered repositories into

And then turn off Issues, Projects, Wiki features, only allow Merge

An example is yet another Sugar Labs related repository by a developer
created outside Sugar Labs;

Forked to Sugar Labs;

And appears to contain many similar commits to existing Sugar Labs
repository from last year;

GitHub as a confusion creation tool.

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