Hi Bastien,

It's the chicken and the egg issue. It is really hard to recruit people to work on activities because of the high learning curve. I am sure we could get some help from Rwanda but the technical experience is entirely with Windows and so git already is over the top.

The original design of Sugar took this into account. An installed activity is in /home/olpc/Activities with all of the source code immediately available. Changes to the source code can be made and tested on the XO.

I think we could get close to this environment by recognizing that someone can change the code on their own Sugar system and test it there. When they have fixed a problem or completed building and testing a new capability, they can then use github as a means to upload the changes to be merged by the Activity Team.

With the actvities, the code repos are on ASLO since every activity is its own repo. All that is needed is to unzip the bundle, git init the folder, and add to github.

This works because we don't have the concerns necessary when adding and changing the Sugar OS code.


On Saturday, 19 May, 2018 04:01 PM, Bastien wrote:
Hi Tony,

Tony Anderson <t...@olenepal.org> writes:

The same basic principal applies to the activities, but I believe that
we should have a github.com/sugaractivities for repositories of Sugar
I'm too far away from Sugar development for my opinion to really
weight in here, but this sounds like a good idea.

Also, on a more general level: we tend to focus on gathering code
repos while the problem often stems out of sparsed developers.

So perhaps this all should be about *gathering developers* first,
repositories next.

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