On Tue, Dec 2, 2008 at 7:34 PM, C. Scott Ananian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Please re-read Sayamindu's original message.  Thanks.

I don't find anything too special there. Perhaps I wasn't clear earlier.

What I meant to say is that all the good things we get from a bespoke
packaging format, we can get from rpm with a few conventions as to the
directories where things land.

You can still do "local user edits" by either editing the files
in-place, or editing a copy of the files, which is kept in a "local"
directory that is in the 'path' for localization files. The pros and
cons of both options can be argued separately, but both can work, and
many additional tricks can be put into action too.

So - I can't see anything that rpm can't handle, and I can't see an
interesting upside to building a bespoke mechanism to deploy files.
Perhaps it exists, and is really an overriding advantage that explains
why we'd want to carry the significant additional long term burden (on
us, and on everyone else) of a bespoke format.


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