On 08/31/2010 09:32 AM, Christoph Maser wrote:
> Am Montag, den 30.08.2010, 15:54 +0200 schrieb Dag Wieers: 
>> On Mon, 30 Aug 2010, Angenendt, Ralph wrote:
>>> after I found http://betterthangrep.com/ today, I have no idea how I
>>> could live without that before :)
>>> So could you ad App::Ack (or the perl standalone version) into rpmforge?
>> Done. It was on my todo list after I learned it from a colleague.
>> Package name will be 'ack' though.
> Shouldn't that be 'perl-ack' providing 'ack'?

*thppppppt* =:P

Thank you very much, guys (and gals!).


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