I'm doing some work with "neatx", at http://code.google.com/p/neatx//
The source code is published via Subversion at
http://neatx.googlecode.com/svn/trunk//neatx/. Now, I've sent them
.spec file updates to allow complete installations but they don't
currently publish tarballs, only Subversion access. The "make
dist-gzip" process for building tarballs also wasn't complete, and
I've sent them patches for this as well.

Does RPMforge have a setup that can build from Subversion checkouts?
Or does someone ahve a better suggestion how to get this into
Subversion, other than my personally hosting a fork and publishing
tarballs? (I don't have a secure enough repo, and this code does
password handling and authentication for NX based remote ressions: its
main repository should be treated securely, which I have some
confidence in Google for.)
suggest mailing list

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