
A reaction from my side: I tried a procedure of running netconvert without
all the flags that alter the network, then generate a file with edges to
keep, and finally running netconvert with all the flags I need and the
edges to keep. This ran successfully for the same scenario, so no segfault
this time. Therefore, the problem might be in the edges listed in the file
with edges to keep. Apparently edges to keep should be the edges as they
are before netconvert alters them. However, the segmentation fault could be
still considered a bug for that scenario.


On 4 March 2014 10:44, Pieter Loof <loof...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi there,
> I encountered another segmentation fault, this time in Netconvert. I added
> a zipped file containing an explanation file, the file with edges to keep
> and two screenshots. I did not add the osm file because it is quite large
> (zipped version is still 15 Mb) so you can not run the command now. Of
> course I could sent the osm file if you want, just let me know how.
> Greetings,
> Pieter
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