Hello John

Please refer to my posted reply to D. Anton Reynecke, this date. If you 
have any other questions please feel free to contact me by private email.

At 08:32 AM 10/08/99 -0700, you wrote:
>Hello David/Laurel,
>I am very interested in a Schmoyer sundial and luckily enough my
>birthday is nearing.  I am not sure what "castings are raw and must be
>drilled, finished and marked" means.  I am more of a woods and plastic
>person and am not versed in the arts of metals.  Is this something i
>can do with a hand-help power drill, sand-paper and a pencil?  I would
>hate to buy the dial and then mess it up.  I'd appreciate any insight
>you can give.

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