Dear Dialling Colleagues,

The British Sundial Society (BSS) has decided that a Glossary of dialling
terms would be a good idea.  It would have two main purposes:

- to provide a refererence source for newcomers to dialling, and

- to try to set preferred definitions of the terms, symbols and descriptions
which we all tend to use rather loosely.

I  volunteered to edit such a document, and have now produced a version
which is ready for review.  Although the document is aimed mainly at BSS
members (who live world-wide, of course) and thus concentrates on British
oriented aspects, it is hoped that it will be of use wherever diallists use
the English language.  It is also expected that the Glossary will be useful
alongside the NASS FAQ project, when that is ready.

As well as a "dictionary" section, the document contains a preferred set of
mathematical symbols, some contentious sign conventions, and a brief
"chronology" of dialling.

The Glossary has been written in a form which will be printed for BSS
members.  It is also hoped that it will be put on the BSS web pages in the
future, after BSS members have debated its contents and agreed on correct
definitions.  In the meantime, it can be viewed on my rudimentary web site

I'd welcome any feedback, and am quite willing to be over-ruled on choices
of symbols etc, if there is a general consensus.

PS - Netscape users will see some odd formatting - blame Bill Gates, because
it was converted from Word97 and is fine in MS Explorer!

Over to you!

Dr J R Davis
Flowton, UK
52.08N, 1.043E

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