Tom Mchugh wrote:
> My guess is the the most accurate sort of heliochronometer
> would have optical means of focusing a solar image on an
> analemma (figure 8), and would have optical means of observing
> the sun's image to judge when it is centered on the line.
> Time could be conveniently shown on a dial readout, much like an
> analog clock dial, geared to the polar axis of the equinoctial dial.


        This is my understanding of what is meant by a heliochronometer or
SunClock. I have not seen a conventional horizontal sundial described as
a heliocronometer in the literature I've read.

        Russell Porter wrote several articles about various SunClock designs in
SciAm years ago. I recently had the good fortune to obtain an original
Porter SunClock, one of only two known to exist. The URL below leads to
a description about the piece and its operation.


Luke Coletti

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