Even if, already from two centuries, in all the nations, engineers and
scientists have tried of to reach an unification of the different quantities
that are used in industry and in science and hundreds of International
Conferences have been made for adopting the same definitions all over the
world (and this for the obvious reasons of clarity in transmitting data and
results), in my opinion everyone can do as he please and choose, in his
calculations and jobs, the units that are more congenial to him and that he
prefers for traditional or  personal reasons.
If then the conversion between these personal units and those recognized
(and understood) from others  is not made, there will be some difficulties
inthe communication and in the comprehension    :-)

Returning to the Longitude, also I prefer the range from -180 to +180
degrees and I  believe that this is not important because of  the
periodicity of the trigonometric functions that use these values.
For the Longitude's Sign instead, if there is some difficulties in using (in
writings) the IAU convention (Long. positive if East), we could not to use
the signs and speak only of  East or West Longitude
Everyone then,  for a East/West Longitude,  will put the necessary sign to
get correct results with the formulas that he uses.

Best wishes

Gianni Ferrari

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