Hello again, thank you for all for the reactions, but what is wrong with my
feeling about a second, when I say you can feel it , I mean of course you
can count in seconds & not in milli- or nano- seconds. I had thought about
the sharpness of the shadow, but forgotten to mention it. Considering the
center of a shadow of a thick gnomon I do not like, it is to subjective -
your eyesight & angle of view may be different as to another person. But
what about the reverse, instead of a shadow use the light.
This was used by clockmakers of the past for adjustment of their watches.
They used a horizontal dial & the gnomon was a small disc with a pierced
small hole & positioned according the local latitude & looked only at noon
to the spot thrown on the dial. (as you maybe discovered my interest in
sundials is in relation with mechanical clocks or watches). So, why not with
the aid of modern optics, obtain this needelpoint of light, the sun is
needed in either case, shadow or light;Again, very interested in your
comments. ( and also, as said, a university for this study would be nice,
Now on attachments, I am a bit surprised by the comments I read, what is
prohibitive about pictures ? If it is the price of the connection-time, my
opinion is, forget your PC & use the conventional method offered by the
postal services, you will spend money in either case & as you know, the
speed is uncompatible between the two. I started with a 56K modem, after
idsn, & now I have ADSL, fast & indifferent to your connection time which
may be 24/on 24, the price remains the same, & in my country all providers
are constantly lowering their prices. As to the danger of a virus enclosed
in an attachment, you have to live with it & trust the anti-virus programs,
which you have to update often. I personally like pictures in a mail as
insertions, & use the insertion facility often for drawings taken by my
digital camera.
So long, Walter 50.42.1 north    4.33.46 east

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