Dear Richard,
    In your reply to John Carmichael about EoT + Longitude Correction Table you mentioned a sundial at the Fredericton Soldiers Barracks.  This immediately started bells ringing in my brain because this is the place where Alexander Ewing and his wife Juliana were stationed in 1867-9.  If you don't know the connection, then I should tell you that Juliana Ewing was Mrs Gatty's second daughter - Mrs Margaret Gatty, who wrote the famous Book of Sun-Dials. 
    There HAS to be a connection with the Gattys.  Perhaps you know the story?  I think that the origins of the sundial are really worth following up.
Mike Cowham.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, July 08, 2004 6:04 PM
Subject: Re: EOT + Longitude Correction Table

I combined all of the corrections for the table I prepared when helping with
the faithful reconstruction of the Fredericton Soldiers Barracks sundial over
a decade ago <>.
You can barely see the interpretive plaque low down on the wall. Some day I
must put some better pictures of the sundial and plaque up on the Web.
-- Richard Langley

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