Dear Chris

> I would argue that the rhumb line is itself virtually obsolete.

I readily accept your line of thought, but a rhumb line legacy
is still very much with us.  I refer, of course, to Mercator's
Projection where all straight lines are projections of Rhumb

Mercator's is probably the best known of all map projections and
it will be a while before it becomes obsolete.  In particular,
all British Ordnance Survey maps use it though their base great
circle is not the equator but a line of longitude through the
Isle of Wight.

Mercator's Projection is quite a mathematical challenge and
it and rhumb lines lead to interesting puzzles.  For example,
if you set out from Greenwich and follow a strict north-EASTerly
course you will eventually pass over Canada.  Of course, you
will also cross the Greenwich meridian an indefinite number of
times as you approach, but never quite reach, the north pole.

Frank H. King
Cambridge, U.K.


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