Fred Sawyer wrote:

Tonight's episode of Numb3rs (CBS 10EST) is a repeat of "Obsession" -
the episode that includes mention of the North American Sundial Society and a problem relating to finding a location based on shadows.

Thanks, Fred; I'd missed it the first time.

Would anyone care to discuss the method? It went by a little fast for me. I suppose we assume that bricks are laid so that their tops lie in the same plane, that all bricks and the mortar between them have a known and unvarying size and perhaps are perfectly rectangular for this discussion, that the yard is perfectly level, that the orientation of the brick field and hoop are unknown, that the basketball hoop's diameter and elevation are known to high precision, and the time stamp on the photos is right on the money (would this be relative to each other or zulu time?). Have I overspecified the necessities? OK, then what do we do to compute latitude and longitude to a hundredth of a degree?

John Bercovitz

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