
If you think about it, hours, minutes and seconds are an awkward system for using time.

My idea would be to switch to a 360 degree clock.
The earth is round and makes one complete revolution per day, 360 degrees. So why not measure time based on what angle of degree the earth happens to be at your location.

Midnight could be 360 degrees
6AM 90 degrees
Noon 180 degrees
6PM 270 degrees

For conversions:

Each hour would equal 15 degrees.
Each degree would equal 4 minutes.
Each degree would equal 240 seconds.

So instead of saying it's 6:34am and 28 seconds
it would be:
6x15 = 90
34/4 = 8.5
28/240 =.117
The time would be 98.617 degrees

Of course you wouldn't do conversions, you would just look at your new 360 degree watch.

If I came to work at 98.617 degrees and left at 187.786 degrees I have worked:

187.786 - 98.617 = 89.169 degrees

Makes more sense to me.

Did anyone ever tell time this way?
It seems like it would work nicely with sundials.



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