On 30/04/2014 19:33, Brooke Clarke wrote:
Hi Richard:

Prior to GPS each country had their own datum, but if you want GPS to truly be Global then you need a common datum. There were other datums prior to the World Geodetic System of 1984 (WGS84, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WGS84#Longitudes_on_WGS_84) but it's the one that's the default in most GPS receivers. In military GPS receivers there's a choice of dozens of datums. The location of zero degrees is based on the Earth's rotation as measured by star observations that are more accurate now that we use atomic time rather than the Earth's rotation as a clock.

Because of plate tectonics, i.e. most of the ground is moving all the time in three dimensions, including bed rock on mountains where telescopes have their foundations, there's really no such thing as a fixed location on Earth. When they do laser ranging to the moon one of the corrections is the elevation of the telescope at the instant when the laser is fired and at the instant when the return pulse is received. Called Earth Tides, and caused by the same forces that cause ocean tides. It's measured by a very sensitive gravity meter.

Have Fun,

Brooke Clarke

Many thanks for that - and I thought corrections for sundials were bad enough :-)

Richard Mallett
Eaton Bray, Dunstable
South Beds. UK


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