Tony, it looks like you machined those panels yourself!

A beautiful app, indeed!





From: sundial [] On Behalf Of Tony Moss
Sent: Monday, January 12, 2015 2:15 AM
Subject: App for iPad


Hi all,
         While restoring lost material on my iPad I searched for an Orrery
app. and discovered  < Phaeton >.  It is a free application so I almost
didn't bother to download it.  What a mistake that would have been!

If you know about it already then no harm done but, if not, you have an
astronomical treat in store.

Happy New Year!

Tony Moss.

P.S.  The following triviality has nothing whatsoever to do with sundialling
so should be ignored by those who wish it so.  My only defence is that I
have not laughed so much in ages.  Enjoy!


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