It's an interesting exercise Frank. But why should any sane normal person want to help Trump who has the attention span of a Twitter addict?

Cheers, John

John Pickard

-----Original Message----- From: Frank King
Sent: Thursday, January 18, 2018 5:04 AM
Subject: Hail to the Chief

Dear All,

I gather from the UK media that
the recent medical check-up
undertaken by the U.S. President
involved some "cognitive tests"
and he scored 30 out of 30.

One of these tests requires the
subject to mark in the hands of
a clock at a specified time.

It is, of course, reassuring to
know that he is familiar with
analog(ue) time measuring
instruments so I would like to
propose a test which is just a
whisker more ambitious for next

I would present the subject
with a mock-up horizontal
sundial equipped with a rod
gnomon which has a circular
cross-section and is about
0.5" in diameter.

The dial would be properly
set up for a latitude of
30 deg N. so the gnomon would
slope at a 30 deg angle to the

I would then ask the subject to
draw the shadow of the gnomon as
it would be at 6am and 12 noon.

Since the mock up would include
a full set of labelled hour lines
this should not be too much of a
challenge BUT...

Part of the required answer is
that the shadow at 6am should be
wider than the shadow at 12 noon.

I would then ask by how much the
shadow is wider at 6am than at
12 noon and to explain why.

Can you help the President?


Frank H. King
Cambridge, U.K.


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