Thanks Frank.

Political comment is inappropriate on the Sundial List, but I just couldn't help myself. My apologies to all.

Still, at least he passed the cognition test. The other day I did a memory test to see if I still have all my faculties at the age of 73. I missed two questions. One was "What day of the week is it?" I didn't know! But then again, as a retiree, days of the week are irrelevant now. But I can still move Mickey's big hand and his little hand to set a clock to the correct time.

Cheers, John

John Pickard

-----Original Message----- From: Frank King
Sent: Thursday, January 18, 2018 10:03 PM
Cc: ; Frank King
Subject: Re: Hail to the Chief

Dear John,

A moot point...

... why should any sane normal
person want to help Trump...

Ah.  I was thinking in terms of
"displacement therapy".

Thinking about sundials must be
better for one's mental health
than drinking copious quantities
of Diet Coke?

Just trying to be helpful :-)



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