Dear All,

The British Sundial Society is hosting a Zoom event
this coming Saturday 17 April at 16:00 UTC.

[Note 16:00 UTC = 17:00 BST/IST = 18:00 CEST and
    = 09:00 PDT = 12:00 EDT etc!]

The outline programme is:

 Frank King:  Welcome and Introduction

 Roger Bailey: French Alpine Sundials

 Woody Sullivan: A Custom Reflection Dial

 Fred Sawyer: Horizontal Sundials such as you
              have never seen before

To obtain the formal Zoom Invitation please send
an e-mail to:   

No body or subject are required.

You will be sent the Zoom link and further details
of the programme.

The event is free and open to anyone in the world.
Please invite your friends!

Looking forward to seeing you!


Frank King
The British Sundial Society


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