Your list of units (after -l) must contain the primary unit

LOEWENTHAL Simon wrote:
Thank-you everybody who relied.

The command works:
utmhadm -a mkoSSA6x2 -g3x2 -p IEEE802.0003baff9826 -l IEEE802.0003baffabd5,IEEE802.0003badc2a33,IEEE802.0003badc2a12,IEEE802.0003badc2f6e,IEEE802.0003baff9826,IEEE802.0003badc2cca

Interestingly enough, the keyboard/mouse is attached to the primary IEEE802.0003baff9826, but dtlogin is displayed on IEEE802.0003baffabd5.

Also, when you log out not all the DTUs are updated, even if you log in again. The update from displaying black only happens when one moves the mouse onto the DTU's display area. All DTUs are the same (Sun 170s).

Any clues about this?

Many thanks, Simon.

Shivu Vibhuti wrote:

Shivu Vibhuti wrote:

You don't

you don't  need

Smart Cards to setup Multihead Policy, use utpolicy CLI or Admin GUI to enable multihead session capability

And to create the Multihead Groups, you can either use AdminGUI or utmhadm CLI

#/opt/SUNWut/sbin/utmhadm -a <groupname> -g <COLSxROWS> -p <primaryCID> -l <CID list>

CID is in the form of IEEE802.<DTU MAC addr> -Shivu

LOEWENTHAL Simon wrote:

Hi there,

We've arrived at a remote site (on a mountain top at 4300metres) to set-up some DTUs, but someone forgot the smartcards. Does anyone know how to configure a multihead policy on the command line?

We cannot get anyone else to come up here an delivery some cards until tomorrow :(

Cheers, S.
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