
Supervisor 3.1.1 has been released.  It includes the following changes:

3.1.1 (2014-08-11)

- Fixed a bug where ``supervisorctl tail -f name`` output would stop if log
  rotation occurred while tailing.

- Prevent a crash when a greater number of file descriptors were attempted to
  be opened than permitted by the environment when starting a bunch of
  programs.  Now, instead a spawn error is logged.

- Compute "channel delay" properly, fixing symptoms where a supervisorctl
  start command would hang for a very long time when a process (or many
  processes) are spewing to their stdout or stderr.  See comments attached
  to https://github.com/Supervisor/supervisor/pull/263 .

- Added docs/conf.py, docs/Makefile, and supervisor/scripts/*.py to
  the release package.


Mike Naberezny (m...@naberezny.com) http://6502.org

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