Is it posible to install suphp on Solaris?
I have problem to install 64 bit version of suphp on Solaris 10.
I tried so far, many combination of CFLAGS,LDFLAGS etc but without luck...

LDFLAGS="-mcpu=v9 -m64"

I've got error:

g++ -DOPT_CONFIGFILE=\"/chroot/suphp/etc/suphp.conf\" -g -O2 -m64 -o
suphp API.o API_Helper.o API_Linux.o API_Linux_Logger.o Application.o
CommandLine.o Configuration.o Environment.o Exception.o File.o
GroupInfo.o IOException.o IniFile.o IniSection.o
KeyNotFoundException.o Logger.o LookupException.o
OutOfRangeException.o ParsingException.o PointerException.o
SecurityException.o SoftException.o SystemException.o UserInfo.o
ld: fatal: file API.o: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32

I assume that problem is with API.o, wich is 32bit for some reason.

src/API.o: ELF 32-bit MSB even that mod_suphp.o is 64bit...
mod_suphp.o: ELF 64-bit MSB

Installation of 32bit suphp is finished without problems....

My platform is :

SunOS test2 5.10 Generic_127127-11 sun4u sparc SUNW,UltraAX-i2


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