While writing some PHP to allow the user to specify the WOI of the camera, I 
came across something unexpected.  I used elphel_set_P_value to set the WOI 
values, but when I followed that up with a call to elphel_program_sensor (which 
I'm under the impression is required) the script would not compile - it 
complained that elphel_program_sensor was not defined.

I then tried commenting out the call to elphel_program_sensor, and my code 
seemed to work - the WOI was changed simply by the call to elphel_set_P_value.

So, that led me to wonder - do the elphel_set_P_(value/arr) functions need to 
be followed up with a call to elphel_program_sensor in order to work properly?  
My (limited, hastily-performed) testing seemed to indicate otherwise.

I, unfortunately, don't have my firmware version handy, but I'm guessing it's 
pretty up-to-date - the camera was purchased just last month.

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