Dick Hoffman wrote:
This email is prompted by an exchange of messages regarding a problem accessing Hotmail with SeaMonkey. Is there a way I can access my Hotmail account with SeaMonkey's mail component, not the browser component? I've blithely assumed I had to get my mail from Hotmail through the browser but is that really true? If it's possible to configure SeaMonkey mail to get my Hotmail messages, what do I need to do to set up the access?


it depends. If you live anywhere in the world, except the US, then you can read my thoughts on this: http://groups.google.com/group/mozilla.support.seamonkey/browse_thread/thread/4b393454a68402e9?q=#23e5b41cdae8ade5

or, if you live in the US, then you need a third party proxy/email popper program such as freepops: http://www.freepops.org/en/

*IMPORTANT*: Sorry folks, but I cannot provide email help!!!! Emails to me may become public

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