On Sun, 03 May 2009 09:26:23 -0500, h.godavaris...@shaw.stopca wrote:

>Daniel wrote:
>> h.godavaris...@shaw.stopca wrote:
>>> Yesterday all the book marks vanished from SeaMonkey v 1.1.14 The OS 
>>> is Win98SE. I would like to recover the file and would appreciate any 
>>> help. Thank you.
>>> regards
>>> hg
>> Do a search for bookmarks.html. If you find more than one, from 
>> SeaMonkey, go bookmarks->Manage bookmarks then within the bookmarks 
>> section try Tools->Import to see if the extra bookmark files are what 
>> you want.
>> HTH
>> Daniel
>Thanks for your suggestion Daniel. I could not locate another Bookmarks.html
I'm not talking down to you, but do you mean to say you searched the
entire harddrive and could not fine one bookmarks.html file?
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