Ray_Net wrote:
Daniel wrote:
rjk wrote:
Need some help here .
using Mozilla 1.1.18  - Windoze XP SP2

this site I frequently visit underwent a massive changeover, their entire site was overhauled, so i was expecting some problems. one that I thinks relates to my mozilla browser, both version 17 and 18 - is my current problem

after I sign in to the site, which doesn't seem to want to remember my login info, and visit some of their info I get a message from Mozilla asking for - "SELECT USER - Select a Username to be entered onto this form" (no qoutes)

underneath this message all I see is "< >" (no qoutes). This site never asked for a user name before, once you signed on that was it. my initial sign on info allows me to utilize their site, look at their various pages of info etc, no problem moving around, but at various times the User Name message pops up

I then tried FF 3.5.2 to access their site, I signed on, asked that FF to remember the sign on info (which it did not), I then did the same type of browsing, and NO User Name question came up

why is Mozilla asking for this User Name ? (while FF doesn't)

I'm guessing you're really talking about SeaMonkey version 1.1.17 & 18, as I don't think Mozilla Suite got to that level.

Some sites have their log-in windows coded in such a way that does not allow the info to be saved, but if your site works with Firefox (which was, officially, Mozilla Firefox. Might just be Firefox now!), then it should with SeaMonkey, except that some sites are coded to work with the Firefox Browser but not with SeaMonkey.

There is a work around available, where you add something like "but not Firefox" (without the quotes) and it fouls the sites that are sniffing, but I cannot find the line in my "about:config" screen, so cannot tell you exactly what it is.

I'm sure someone will be by shortly with the correct procedure.

Here is it:::
Add in about:config the Preference Name: general.useragent.extra.firefox
With the following info: NOT Firefox/

Then stop/start SM and the about:
will show as mine ->
SeaMonkey 1.1.14

Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20081204 NOT Firefox/ SeaMonkey/1.1.14

That's what I was after for the OP. Thanks Ray.

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