INFO WG wrote:
I am of course checking as Lightning Updates the nightly code, but any word if 
or does the after Saturday Oct 17 (?) improved Lightning not only work with the 
newest SM 2 RC's, but also it still works (doesn't break anything) on say TBird 
2.x or the 3.x TBird Beta or RC's ?

Current Lightning nightlies work with SeaMonkey from 2.0b2 to the current Mozilla-1.9.1-based development version and with Thunderbird from 3.0b4pre to the current Mozilla-1.9.1-based development version.

As we now did switch the current Mozilla-1.9.1-based development version of SeaMonkey to be versioned 2.0.1pre yesterday, Lightning puts that as the maximum version into its compatibility info, and 2.0 as reported by the RCs (and the final release) is smaller than this and in the compatibility range now.

If that explanation is too technically detailed for you to understand, here's the simple version:

Lightning nightlies from the last few days support SeaMonkey 2.0 Beta 2 and Thunderbird 3.0 Beta 4 as well as some nightlies surrounding those milestones. Lightning nightlies starting from today add compatibility for SeaMonkey 2.0 (final and all RCs) and continues to support the other mentioned versions.

No Lightning 1.0 (-pre, alpha, beta, etc.) version supported or will support Thunderbird 2, that development stream is completely targeted at Thunderbird 3 and SeaMonkey 2 only.

Robert Kaiser
support-seamonkey mailing list

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