Leonidas Jones wrote:
Phillip Jones wrote:
Leonidas Jones wrote:
Phillip Jones wrote:
Leonidas Jones wrote:
Phillip Jones wrote:
Leonidas Jones wrote:
Bill Davidsen wrote:
Paul B. Gallagher wrote:
If we have to scroll past three full screens of quintuply nested
exchanges to read a one-line quip, there's something wrong.

I have no one in particular in mind, just a general observation.

I have an extension (the only one I use) in 1.1.xx to compress
quotes to
a single line. Could find it for 2.0, and it really is a
time-saver, for
the reason you note. I don't even notice stuff like that,
although it
doesn't apply to REPLY so I can trim stuff I send in the compose

Quote Collapse. It does install and work in SM 2.0 though its a

I hope they refined it. The last time I tried Q Collapse on SM
1.1.x it
interfered with Quote Colors and tough to remove. In fact I had to
completely throw away chrome and reload my extensions.

Was that on 1.1.x?

I have Quote Colors and Quote Collapse both running as I write this,
they seem to be fine together.

that was 1.1.7 I tried it again on 1.1.8 and had same problems. when I
tried to remove just the components of Quote collapse I was left with
very large red bar at bottom of screen with a>  on left side. the only
was to cure it was to dump everything associate with the chrome and
restart then read SkyPilot Classic Theme and QuoteColors.

This was on X.4.11 Macintosh.

Its a new world now.

First install Mr Teck Toolkit


This will allow you to install Quote Collapse.

Install Quote Colors, though you have probably already done this.


Install Quote Collapse



I've moved on to SM2 which has the addon Manager

I realize.  Quote Collapse will not install on SM 2.0 without Mr Tech.


Go back to  the MozDev site and look up QuoteColors
Scroll all the way down look for the note on .3.0.beta 2 click link for it works great.

Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T.    "If it's Fixed, Don't Break it"
http://www.phillipmjones.net           http://www.vpea.org
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