Mike C wrote:
Frog wrote:
I will clearly state that I am not a computer whiz...thus, I have a
number of concerns regarding SeaMonkey 2.0 installation on my system.

I have been reading the many SeaMonkey 2.0 messages on this newsgroup
with some concern about my ability to fix the problems that could occur
with the installation of 2.0. It seems that the move from 1.1.18 to 2.0 is not happening without a number of glitches along the way. Thus, in light of what I have read, I am wondering if it would wise for me to wait for a future release of SeaMonkey before upgrading my system...I suppose I am hoping that some changes will be incorporated into a future upgrade, that would make the move go more smoothly. Any comments would be appreciated.

Also, a list of actions to take, or not to take, during the
installation of 2.0 would also be very helpful...just in case I get
brave enough to proceed with the 2.0 installation.


Windows XP Pro SP3

I have always allowed previous SeaMonkey installations to be loaded
using default locations.  I suppose that I do have concerns about what
happens to the plug I have downloaded.

I only have one profile on my system.

There are a few add ons that won't work.
The two that I know of are:
Tabbrowser Extension and Extension Mgr

Mike C

First, I think it would be more fair to say that few add-ons are yet available for SM 2.0. I think this is quite normal, give some time to the authors to do the necessary changes for those add ons which remain relevant and to create new ones specifically designed for SM 2.0

second, I think it is always advisable to wait some time before changing versions. SM 2.0 is not an upgrade. So, if you are not to comfortable with this, waiting for an update of SM 2.0 might be wise.

On the other hand, problems which might occur moving from your previous version to SM 2.0 are likely to occur too while moving to an updated version, since I believe a good part of them are related to the import of profile. This was my case, the installer was not able to import my profile (probably because it slowly evolved from the Netscape days) and this was actually an opportunity to do some house cleaning by starting afresh.

Among the things you can do to protect yourself which do not require much expertise, I would suggest: zipping up your *whole* profile and seamonkey directories after setting your zip program so that *it records the paths* of files and storing the zipped files in a safe place.

If something goes very wrong when you install the new version, then it is only a matter of uninstalling it, deleting the profile folder and the program folder, and restoring where they belong the original profile and program folders by unzipping the zipped files. No need to mess with the registry.

There are many other ways to proceed, but this one does not require any program you do not have on your machine and nor a lot of expertise. Whichever way you choose, do not rely on trusting "default locations". I believe it is indispensible to make note of what they are before doing anything.

Just my two cents ...

John Doue
support-seamonkey mailing list

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