After using Firefox and Thunderbird a few days, now, I don't know why I stayed with SeaMonkey for so long; sorry, SeaMonkey enthusiasts ... and 'specially, SeaMonkey Developers!

I appreciated 'Form Manager'; (and miss it very, much; in Firefox and when still, using SeaMonkey-2), and that is what really, kept me from switching; (I could live without Composer, and I could be content using Thunderbird for my Email and Newsgroups).

It appeared, to me, that SeaMonkey-2 used very, similar code as Firefox, and being that the 'Form Manager' was now, similar to what I remember Firefox's form management being like, I decided to give Firefox / Thunderbird a try. (I figured eventually, SeaMonkey-2 would become the main-stay and SeaMonkey 1.*.* would be obsoleted out.)

So, far I do not regret my decision. The only, thing I am unsure of my decision to switch is because there are ssooo, many, Add-Ons and Tweaks and customizations available for Firefox / Thunderbird that I am spending a lot of time playing with all of this; not a good thing for a 'can't leave it alone', 'tweak this, tweak that' sort of user; (I just, can't leave well enough alone ... but it is fun!)

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