On 11/15/2009 11:56 AM, Lance Courtland wrote:
> David:
> Please help those of us struggling to migrate multiple profiles in 
> different user areas of Win XP SP3.
> Precisely what are the steps used to migrate these profiles?
> What preference variables did you have to set in user.js?
> What changes did you make in about:config?

Since I expect my further actions to be within SeaMonkey 2.0, I did not
record how I migrated my profiles.  I will try to give you what I

1.  I installed SeaMonkey 2.0 in Windows XP in a different directory
than SeaMonkey 1.1.18.  SeaMonkey 1.1.18 is in <C:\Seamonkey>.
SeaMonkey 2.0 is in <C:\SeaMonkey2>.  Somehow, I did not see the
migration wizard operating for my primary profile.  This might be
because my SeaMonkey 1.1.18 profiles are not in the default location
<C:\Documents and Settings\User\Application Data\Mozilla\Profiles>.
Instead, they are under <C:\WINDOWS\Application Data\Mozilla>.

2.  I launched SeaMonkey 2.0 and requested [Tools > Switch Profile] from
the menu bar to launch the Profile Manager.  On the Profile Manager
window, I selected the Manage Profiles button.  I then created a dummy
profile for each of the four profiles that I wanted to migrate.  These
dummy profiles were created in directories separate from the SeaMonkey
1.1.18 profiles, under <C:\WINDOWS\Application Data\SeaMonkey>.  (The
names of the profiles are the same, but they are under different
directories.)  I then terminated SeaMonkey and the Profile Manager.

3.  For each SeaMonkey 2.0 profile, I deleted the contents of the dummy
profile and then copied the contents of the corresponding SeaMonkey
1.1.18 profile into the SeaMonkey 2.0 profile.  This involved not only
files but also subdirectories and their files.

4.  On the Windows taskbar, I selected [Start > Run].  I followed the
instructions at
repeating for each profile.  In my case the command for my David profile
        C:\SeaMonkey2\seamonkey.exe -P
                "C:\WINDOWS\Application Data\SeaMonkey\David"
all on a single line.  Note that the quotes were required because the
path to my profile involved names containing blanks.

5.  (While I didn't do the following, I should have.  Instead, I
dithered around for a few days, fixing the file paths only as I noticed
something didn't work correctly.  By the time the light dawned, my
review of <about:config> showed that I had already corrected almost all
of the file paths.)  Repeat this in SeaMonkey 2.0 for each migrated
profile.  On the SeaMonkey address area, enter <about:config>.  Slowly
scroll through all entries, looking for values that point to files on
your PC.  Change values specific to SeaMonkey 1.1.x to being specific to
SeaMonkey 2.0.  For example, my home page is my bookmarks file.  The
preference variable browser.startup.homepage was still pointing to my
SeaMonkey 1.1.18 bookmarks.html file; I had to change it to point to my
SeaMonkey 2.0 bookmarks.html file.

6.  To address bugs, I put the following into the user.js files in each
of my profiles.

user_pref("browser.download.manager.showAlertOnComplete", false);
// no alert on completing download; bug #526399
user_pref("signon.startup.prompt", false);
// don't ask for master password until it's used, bug #338549

Don't forget the semi-colon at the end of the user_pref command.  Note
that I use user.js so that I can annotate why I'm changing a preference;
comment lines begin with double-slash.  The user.js file updates your
preferences only when SeaMonkey is launched; thus, you must terminate
and then restart SeaMonkey after entering these in user.js.  If these
bugs are ever fixed, I will delete these entries from user.js and use
<about:config> to reset the variables.

7.  To address a reduced capability for setting user IDs and passwords
for Web site logins, I installed the Activate Autocomplete extension.
It can be found at
 There is a bug report on this problem, but I can't get it right now
because Bugzilla is being updated.

8.  I also installed the following extensions:
* Adblock Plus 1.1.1 <http://adblockplus.org/>
* Flashblock 1.3.14 <http://flashblock.mozdev.org/>
* PrefBar 4.3.0 <http://prefbar.mozdev.org/>
* Show Password On Input 0.1.3
Adblock Plus 1.1.1 is specifically for SeaMonkey 2.0 (and Firefox
3.5.x).  PrefBar 4.3.0 will work with SeaMonkey 1.1.18 but was developed
for SeaMonkey 2.0; there are also some button changes for SeaMonkey 2.0.

David E. Ross

Go to Mozdev at <http://www.mozdev.org/> for quick access to
extensions for Firefox, Thunderbird, SeaMonkey, and other
Mozilla-related applications.  You can access Mozdev much
more quickly than you can Mozilla Add-Ons.
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