Leonidas Jones wrote:
Phillip Jones wrote:
Leonidas Jones wrote:
Bush wrote:
Hartmut Figge wrote:

I do not want any tabs in seamonkey 2.0 . How do I get rid of the
I have unchecked every thing that pertains to Tans in Preferences .
Do I
have to Go back to ver 1.1.18 to Eliminate Tabs ?

I haven't tested much, but you could try these settings:
http://www.triffids.de/pub/screenshot/sm091115.png (16 KB)

Same settings I have Here . Just maybe it is a Windows 7 thing? I never
saw any Tabs since Netscape 1.1 until Mozilla 2.0. And Yes I still have
the 1.44 Floppy that contained 1.1 setup.

Netscape had tabbed browsing starting with 6.0, and continued to the end
with 9.

Mozilla Suite had tabbed browsing from the beginning. 1.0 had it, as dd
every other version released, There was never a Mozilla 2.0, so I am
not sure where you are coming from on that one.

If you are talking about Firefox 2.0. well Firefox has also had tabbed
browsing since its inception as Phoenix.

The simplest answer is just don't use them. Maybe you could post an
example of when a tab opens when you don't want it to, so we can advise
you as to how to avoid it.

Once place its not needed is in mail and news. if don't show tabs if one
window is open is not ticked (in Tabbed browsing) a Tab shows up in mail
or new I have a screen shot to document it.

The implementation does not seem to be there yet, but when it is working
correctly, I would certainly like the ability to messages in tabs in
Mail/News. For example, viewing a post, then a reply to it in a tab,
particularly when the original is snipped drastically.

Then again, I can't imagine functioning without tabs in the browser
either.  I think the advice is the same in either case, just don't use
them.  My question was, when is a tab opening that you don't want to open?

I can open a message in a new tab by middle clicking it.  I can open in
a new window, (which I never do) by double clicking it, just as 1.1.18
always behaved.

Just because the application has a new feature, which I think many will
value, doesn't mean that you have to use it if it doesn't work for you.


Different Strokes for Different Folks. I can't imagine using Tabs. The concept is as foreign to me as walking around on the moon. And as useless as it is to me in the browser, its absolute nonsense in mail and news.

I have enough trouble concentrating on one thing at the time, having to deal with all the tabs .... I just not as hip as you young folks. At 60 am getting close to being over the hill.

Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T.    "If it's Fixed, Don't Break it"
http://www.phillipmjones.net           http://www.vpea.org
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