On 11/19/2009 11:24 AM, JohnW-Mpls wrote:
> For my various browser accounts (bank, etc), SM 2 requires that I
> first manually enter my ID for that account before it pastes in the
> password.
> SM 1.x did all of that automatically - both ID and password got pasted
> in when arriving at a controlled site.
> Is that an SM 2 failing or is there some option setting I'm missing?

Assuming your user IDs and passwords in the Password Manager were
successfully migrated from SM 1.x to SM 2.0, there is a change in the
user interface.  You must left-click once or twice in the user ID field
on the logon page after the page completes loading.  You will then get a
pull-down selection list of user IDs.

In some cases, the user ID and password fill-in immediately.  In some
cases, it takes a click.  In other cases, it takes two clicks.  No one
has been able to explain this variation.  Also, today I had to reload a
page for even two clicks to work.

One final word:  If you have the Activate Autocomplete 1.0.1 extension
installed, it can interfere with logging-on to some sites.  This
affected two of the four financial institution sites where I frequently

David E. Ross

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