Leonidas Jones wrote:
OldCroc wrote:
The Subject line says it all, except I would like to add that this is
important to me, as I do not want what is on my Version either
Destroyed or imported into Version 2.0, except by manually being done
by me. There are some errors in formatting in certain folders that I
do not want carried over, plus I have too many things I just don't
want to lose!

It is never a good idea to state your question in the subject line only. The better procedure is to write a descriptive subject line, then state your question in full in the body of the message.

Just install it.

SM 2.0 installs to a different location then SM 1.1.18. Installing SM2 does not overwrite SM 1.1.18.

The profile migration wizard does not remove your 1.1.18 profile. It copies the data to a different location. Form that point you have two different profiles, one for 2.0 and one for 1.1.18.

If you prefer not to have the wizard migrate your data, simply shoose to import nothing. A new blank profile will be created for 2.0.


I would take a much more prudent approach, since it is a fact that the migration wizard does not always start and give you a choice: Personnally, I have never seen it appear upon SM2 install. And even if it does, the possibility of interference with your SM1 cannot ruled out. Better be safe than sorry.

As I have stated in a different thread, it is wize to make a back up of both SM 1 profile *and* installation folder, the latter because it may contain add-ons which by design or customization did not install in the profile folder. Just zip those folders, making sure the path is saved along with the file (check the option in your zip program).

Then, and only then, go ahead, you are safe in case actually SM 2 messes up your SM 1 installation, as it did for me (admittedly, my installation is heavily customized, so this was something I expected).

John Doue
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