Phillip Jones wrote:
The problem with software design is everyone takes a meat axe approach
whacking way and removing anything and everything the developers don't
like, or don't use and see no use for.

Well, even if you don't want to hear this, I'd much rather use well-maintained code that doesn't exactly what the old code did than using a pile of code nobody does maintain, has grave flaws and which is breaking in unexpected ways with the environment changing around it - which was the case with the old "wallet" code (which for some strange reason did entangle form and password managers into a single thing code-wise).

I for one am using the new form filling code a lot, while I never did use the old stuff because it was too complicated for what I wanted and didn't really prefill the stuff that I really cared about, while the new code mostly does (not that it can't be improved - help is wanted, as always).

Robert Kaiser
support-seamonkey mailing list

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