On 12/13/2009 3:17 PM PT, David E. Ross typed:

On 12/13/2009 2:47 PM, David E. Ross wrote:
On 12/13/2009 2:37 PM, Ant wrote:

Is it me or does http://www.redbox.com/ not like SeaMonkey unless I
change its UserAgent to Firefox v2/v3?

I get an error: "XML Parsing Error: not well-formed
Location: http://www.redbox.com/
Line Number 203, Column 89:<a
style="float: right;">More Movies</a>

Thank you in advance. :)

Yes, you have hit another case of invalid sniffing.

This is now bug #534550.  See

Ant:  Please communicate to RedBox that they have a problem.

RedBox replied:

From: questi...@redbox.com
To: ant
Date: 14 Dec 2009 00:37:09 -0600
Subject: re:redbox


   Thank you for your e-mail. Your comments, suggestions & business are
   important to us. I will share the information you have provided with the
   appropriate parties.

If you have any additional questions, comments, or concerns, please let us
   know and anyone in customer service would be more than happy to assist

   Thank you,
   Redbox Customer Care

"As I watch the busy ants on the trail and around the ant pile, I am impressed by the fact that they are doers and not just believers." --CR 1967
  / /\ /\ \        Phil./Ant @ http://antfarm.ma.cx (Personal Web Site)
 | |o   o| |               Ant's Quality Foraged Links: http://aqfl.net
    \ _ /         Nuke ANT from e-mail address: phi...@earthlink.netant
     ( )                                           or ant...@zimage.com
Ant is currently not listening to any songs on his home computer.
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