Phillip Jones wrote:
Rufus wrote:
Leonidas Jones wrote:
Phillip Jones wrote:
Leonidas Jones wrote:
Philip Chee wrote:
On Sun, 20 Dec 2009 17:25:37 -0500, Leonidas Jones wrote:
Philip Chee wrote:
Not an option, he's on a Mac.

Parellels, VMWare Fusion, probably Virtual Box.


VirtualBox is great, though I've never tried on a G4, which is where
Phillip is. Still not an answer for a full time browser regardless.

Safari would be the best, though I know he doesn't want to go there.


I have Safari I and I can do less with it than SM and its slower.

I agree. I think Phil is getting a bit frustrated. I don't blame him. He
and the others have worked very hard on trying to keep this thing alive,
and you, among others, really don't seem to understand or appreciate that.

Phil, in large measure, kept SM 1.1.x usable by his incredible work on
xSidebar and porting Firefox and Thunderbird extensions to work in
SeaMonkey. Without that, 1.1.x was really not a usable piece of work, at
least without Multizilla, which basically converted it to another
application entirely.

The unfortunately few devs on this project are users who didn't want the
concept to die. This isn't Firefox or Thunderbird, where there are paid
workers. The developers here do care, or there wouldn't be any project.

I don't mean to say let them have a free pass. But, for heavens sake,
lets treat them with the respect they deserve.


And I guess that's what I don't get...volunteers are generally more
dedicated and principled than paid hacks.  Or at least the ones I've
encountered have I'm not into coddling them.

So I really don't get why they've knuckled under and merely imported TB
and FF code instead of maintaining their own, based on that code...this
is all open source, right?  So where did the best of the good stuff go,
just because the paid hacks got paid to drop it?  Open = independent, I

Branch out or die...let SM become it's own project, or we might as well
all just use FF and TB.  Otherwise we won't be getting anything more
than FF and TB linked together in one app.  That's not much reason to

I've already explained with I won't use FF/TB combination. They don't play nice together.

I tried FF on my MacBook last night...all I had to do was to look over the Prefs selections to determine that it's feature set wasn't suitable for what I'd like to be using. I used App Delete to get rid of it...after about 10 minutes with it.

I do have to say that I've been pleasantly surprised by Thunderbird 3.0 though. It's Mac interface actually looks like a Mac interface. And I've only got two kicks against it so far - when it did the import from my SM profile, it imported ALL of my Password Manager content instead of just the Mail/News portions; and that the Attachment icon in the Preview tray is too small - if it scaled with the tray size that would be nice.

I'll still only use it as an alternative Usenet reader, though. is my primary.

     - Rufus
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