Martin Freitag wrote:
If you fetch mail in start, wouldn't it be required then?
It's possible that you have to disable that functionality in the preferences to get rid of an initial asking for the Master-PW.

I'm not using it for mail, and it isn't checking anything at startup. Or at least, all the settings for doing so are off.

I've never heared that before about SM2 compared to SM1, I would
recommend testing with another profile or in safe-mode.

Nice to hear you tried...

I think I've found the problem. SM 2 appears to try to use a proxy even when told not to. This is a problem when the proxy doesn't exist (which is why it is told not to use it.)

Flashblock will not install. It just gets itself into an install loop:
every time you start SM 2.0.1, Flashblock tries to install again.

Flashblock works like a charm in SM2, that's another reason I think
your SM2-installation and/or profile is not ok.

Well, it got itself into this state all by itself, and didn't work right
from the very moment it was installed.

Looks like you're not even willing to find a solution, but just complaining about the current state, this won't get you any further, sry. When flashblock works fine for all others you should consider your setup being "corrupted" somehow. This might even be your file-system and not SM itself.

I simply stated what it did. I just expected so much more of SM2, and have ended up disappointed. (BTW, it is not my file system at fault.)

The new download progress dialog's ridiculous small buttons are another
issue, but this has been beaten to death (and I wish this new design had
I would prefer a different functionality too but I don't have the time/knoweledge (yet?) to change it myself. I'm using the download statusbar extension for now.

Sadly, using a multitude of extensions to fix what is broken is becoming more necessary. A disease that's carried over from Firefox in my opinion.

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