On 12/22/2009 06:39 PM, Phillip Jones wrote:
> NoOp wrote:
> -------------------snip-------------------
>> But apparently do not understand the risks associated with html and
>> javascript in emails. You can of course choose to ignore the default
>> settings&  SeaMonkey/about:config allows you to do that.
> -------------------snip-------------------
> JavaScript was in html mail as far as back perhaps Netscape Navigator 
> 3.0.1.a Gold.  and the h=whole time not once did I experience a Problem 
> And I have viewed many a html or newsgroup post with JavaScript in it 
> and not once a problem. Yet recently there is all the fear of JavaScript.
> Talk about something dangerous, talk about Active-X. Active-X is a lot 
> more Dangerous than JavaScript.

SeaMonkey doesn't run Active-X & so the reference isn't relevant here.

You've also been advocating html & javascript in email for as long as I
remember. I wonder how your spam rate is? Also keep in mind that you run
a Mac, so the issues of something spinning up on your Mac vs that of a
Windows user is perhaps different.

Just because you've kept the blinders on all these years doesn't mean
that html & javascript in emails is a good thing. Google will certainly
show you that.
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