HenriK wrote:
Robert Kaiser wrote:
As part of Mozilla's ongoing stability and security update process, SeaMonkey 2.0.2 is now available for Windows, Mac, and Linux as a free download from www.seamonkey-project.org.

We strongly recommend that all SeaMonkey and old suite users upgrade to this latest release. If you already have SeaMonkey 2.0, you will receive an automated update notification within 24 to 48 hours. This update can also be applied manually by selecting "Check for Updates..." from the Help menu.

For a list of changes and more information, please review the SeaMonkey
2.0.2 Release Notes.

Note: All SeaMonkey 1.x and old Mozilla or Netscape suite users are encouraged to upgrade to SeaMonkey 2.0.x by downloading it from www.seamonkey-project.org.

Full news article:

Downloads for all available platforms and languages:

Release notes:

System Requirements:

Robert Kaiser
SeaMonkey project coordinator

Can the SeaMonkey v.2.0.2 update be installed on top of (i.e., without deinstallation of) v.2.0.1? I am not quite clear on the best approach for v.2.x. updates. Thank you, in advance, for your assistance.

Thanks to everyone for their comments and success stories. I had a successful update as well. Being able to copy the update over an existing SM 2.x install is certainly easier than the old deinstall and reinstall routine that seemed to be required in SM v.1.x
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