Klaus Weber wrote:
XP pro SP3
I found it also quite tricky to upgrade from 1.1.8 to 2.0.2. Fortunately
I have my local folders on a separate partition. Moreover I put all the
other mails from the system partition to the local folders. Then I
uninstalled 1.1.8 and installed 2.0.2 The first time I did not succeed
because 2.0.2 did not start properly. So I uninstalled 2.0.2. Then I
deleted anything related to SeaMonkey on the system partition and
installed 2.0.2. again. Now the import assistant started and everything
worked well. Certainly quite a dirty method.
Formerly on my notebook the upgrade was much easier. But somehow I could
not do it the same way this time.

The fact you found it "tricky" may have something to do if you don't use the default locations for SeaMonkey and/or local folders?

I have reason to believe that in many cases, but other reasons may also be a not so good previously maintenance of the OS.

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