On 3/6/2010 8:26 AM, FDVS wrote:
> It used to be, in Netscape, I could type the first letter of my best 
> friend's name, "Jeff" into the address bar "To: j " while posting an 
> email......and it would autofill Jeff and his email address.
> In Seamonkey, when I type "j" up comes the name and address of another 
> friend, "Spike" with his email address.  He has no j's in his name or 
> his email address.
> So far I have accidentally sent Spike a couple of emails meant for Jeff. 
>   Not too embarrassing, as I normally don't post dubious stuff but I 
> would like to find out why and fix it!
> Thanks!
> Dave

What version of SeaMonkey are you running? On what platform? What
type of address book (built-in or LDAP or other)?

I'm running SM 1.1.16 on Windows/XP SP3, and I don't have that problem.
However, I'm using an LDAP server for my address book, so perhaps this
is just a problem with the built-in address book?

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