Bernard Mercier wrote:
Monica avait prétendu :
Daniel wrote:
Monica wrote:
Since the last update to the current 2.0.3. I have 2 profiles in
C:\Documents and
Settings\[username]\ApplicationData\Mozilla\SeaMonkey\Profiles\ The
first one (which has all my stuff in it) [random string].slt and the
second one [random string].default

I have never created more than one, but suspect that SM for some reason
has created the second one, which I think may be messing a few things up
for me (that I´ve posted about in another thread).

I read another posting here which said that the Mail folder should be in
C:\Documents and
string].default\Mail My mail (and everything else of my stuff) does not
sit in the profile with the .default ending but in the profile with the
.slt ending. How can I go about to correct this? Can I just delete the
.default one?

Any help will be much appreciated.


Monica, did you upgrade from SM 1.x?? I think it called its profiles
".slt" whereas SM 2 calls it ".default"

I think!!

I am not sure (can´t remember) if it was this last time I upgraded from
SM 1.x or just did an update within SM2.x. I think the latter, because I
think I can recall being annoyed at the update being done automatically
without me being asked first. I know now that I can untick a box for
that, which I did today. That .slt variant may have been with me ever
since I upgraded to SM2 and I just haven´t noticed anything wrong until
I needed to perform certain things lately.

Do you know what can be done about this though?
Select in Tools|switch profile.
Then manage profiles.

I´m sorry but manage profiles in what way? I´m not too familiar with things like this. What I do know though is that I am using the profile I want to, and that is not the "default" one that also sits there for whatever reason.
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