On 4/9/2010 4:20 AM, stan wrote:
> Is it possible to treat these JAVA scripts like virus?
> There is handful of the scripts out there which are used by the majority 
> users so using the library, they can be all be identified.

Note: JAVA scripts is not the same as JavaScript. JavaScript is a proper
name. If you want people to understand what you're talking about, you're
going to want to use the correct name.


Anyway, you can disable JavaScript in the preferences. I'm still on
1.1.X, so the exact location may be different for you. For me, it
is in Edit -> Preferences -> Advanced -> Scripts and Plug-ins, then
clear the 'Enable JavaScript for..." check boxes (or make other
settings there).

Note that many sites depend on JavaScript (unfortunate, but true)
so this may limit your browsing experience.
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