Mark Hansen wrote:
On 3/30/2010 5:45 PM, MCBastos wrote:
Interviewed by CNN on 29/3/2010 14:12, Frog told the world:

I believe everything from line 5 (Profiles) through line 16
( related to SeaMonkey 1.1.18.  Is that

I believe everything from line 17 (SeaMonkey) to the end of the
data presentation is part of SeaMonkey 2.0.3.  Is that correct?
Yes, those sure look correct.

I presume that making a backup would involve copying everything from
line 1 through the end of this presentation to a location on my "E"
drive.  Is that correct?
Yes, that's a good approach. You probably could limit the backup to the
1.1.18, but let's be paranoid and get everything. Better safe than sorry
and all that.

Once the backup has been made, I would then proceed to the "Profile
Manager" to delete my SeaMonkey 2.0.3 "default" profile.  I would
accomplish this by going to--start>SeaMonkey(making sure that the
SeaMonkey selected belongs to 2.0.3)>Profile Manager (click "Manage
Profiles...")>make sure the "default" profile is selected/highlighted
and then click "Delete Profile".  At this point, my SeaMonkey 2.0.3
"default" profile is gone--is that correct?  Will this delete all of the
entries included in the above data presentation that pertain to
SeaMonkey 2.0.3?
Actually, I'm not sure if it will delete the files from the disk. Maybe
it will just ignore those files from now one. You should check later,
and delete if necessary. But anyway, not having the old profile listed
might be enough to satisfy Mozilla.

Your instructions at this point are a little confusing to me.
MCBastos indicates that I should "Use the Profile Manager to import the
profile from my 1.1.18 installation.  I was unable to find any
indication of how to import information from 1.1.18 while in the
SeaMonkey 2.0.3 "Profile Manager".  Thus, I presume that I would have to
create a new profile before the import option would appear.  Is that
No, I don't think so. I think you are supposed to start the import
process without creating a profile. Mark's explanation is probably more
correct than mine in this particular.

From what I understand, when you launch SM 2,X and it doesn't find a
2.X profile, but it does find a SM 1.X profile, it will ask if you
want to migrate it.

Mark Hansen indicates that once the 2.0.3 "default" profile is gone, I
can then launch SM 2.x again and it will ask if I want to migrate my
1.1.18 profile information to a new 2.0.3 profile.  Is this correct?
The migration of this information during installation of 2.0.3 worked
just fine, so let's hope that process will go smoothly again.
Yeah, that sounds right. If you don't have a default profile, Seamonkey
will ask you if you want to create one or import one. I guess I goofed.

Once the new profile is established for 2.0.3, I will change the
settings in 1.1.18 to check "Leave messages on the server" and uncheck
"Leave messages on the server' on 2.0.3.  I will make this change here--
Mail window>Edit>Mail & Newsgroups Account
Settings...>>Server Settings>Leave messages on server.
Is that the correct location for making this setting change?
That's right. Only, I would change this setting right *before*
migration, right before closing 1.1.18 for the last time.

The reason for this is that, if a message arrives after you close 2.0.3
and before you open 1.1.18 post-migration, you don't want 1.1.18 to
delete that from the server.

Yes. Tell SM 1.X to no longer fetch mail (or remove it from the
server) before you begin the final migration to SM 2.X.

Well, this will be a long story that I hope I can make into a short story. Here goes--

I thought I was ready in March to make the move from 1.1.18 to 2.0.3, and individuals on this group were helpful in giving me the instructions to make this happen. Well, a little snag showed up(my wife, the main user of this computer) that caused this change to be sidetracked. She said that the 1.1.19 version was like an old shoe--it worked and she wasn't ready to learn a new system. My persisting did not change her mind so we continued using 1.1.18 (later upgraded to 1.1.19). More recently, she has gotten in Facebook--and there she had a problem. She was able to append responses to her friends messages, but she was not able to place a new subject to her own wall. That did it, she wanted to have this capability. After some research on my part, I learned that 1.1.19 was not programed for such an action. I also learned that SeaMonkey 2, without any modifications, would in fact permit her to take the actions she was seeking. After some more searching I learned that modifications could be made to 1.1.19 that would make it work. She now realizes that it was time to make the move to SeaMonkey 2.

I retrieved, as this point, the messages that made up this thread. Now that I am about to make this change, I ran into a new problem...deleting my (now updated to) SeaMonkey 2.0.4 default profile. I remember having a problems after loading 2.0.3 originally with not having a Start>All Program entry for SeaMonkey 2.0.3 included in the list of programs. I can't remember the steps I took bo to solve this problem, but they were very wrong. I now have the following two entries listed under the Start button:

Start>All Programs>SeaMonkey1>with the following sub entries:
Palm Tools, License, Mail, Profile Manager, Readme, and SeaMonkey

Start>All Programs>SeaMonkey>with the following sub entries:
Palm Tools, License, Mail, Profile Manager, Readme, SeaMonkey, SeaMonkey (Safe Mode), and SeaMonkey Mail

I know that the first entry belongs to 1.1.19 (and all is well with this entry) and the second entry belongs to 2.0.4.

Problem: Both Profile Managers are pointing to the same 1.1.19 profile.

Question: How do I make the second entry reflect the default profile that was established during the installation the 2.0.3?

I know that I need to remove this profile completely and restart my computer in order for the current information housed in 1.1.19 to be migrated to 2.0.4.

Question: Can I remove the 2.0.4 profile using Windows Explorer--that is if there is no way of my getting to this profile? One of my messages earlier in this thread points to where my two profiles can be found in Windows Explorer. Here is that information:

c:\Documents and Settings\Frog\Application Data\Mozilla

                         Local Folders
          Crash Reports
                         Local Folders

Question: What happens if I go to Add/Remove and remove 2.0.4? Will it remove everything belonging to 2.0.4 (including the profile)? I know that I will lose some settings I have made to 2.0.4 since it was added to my system, but what other alternatives do I have?

I would like to get the right Start entries made for 2.0.4 and my problem would be solved (I think---I hope).

Can anybody help me fix this situation?

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