Beauregard T. Shagnasty wrote:
Rick Merrill wrote:

Not a popup as I have popup blocker enabled on Windows XP sp3 SM2.0.5.

But every now and then, say five minutes after launching SeaMonkey,
the URL opens in a new window.

While it's ok to ask the question here, this is probably some sort of
hijacking than a SeaMonkey browser issue.

It is a useful website, but I don't want it automatically.

Here is what I see when clicking your link:
"This web page is parked FREE, courtesy of"
..with a bunch of Godaddy ads. Not very useful, as I see it.

I have SM set to open new URL in a Tab.
I see nothing in Start|All Programs|Startup.
There are no schtasks.
Where/How could this be happening?

As an experiment, disable JavaScript then restart the browser. If it
doesn't happen, then you'll know the "how."  Maybe your start page has
been hijacked.

Examine your stored cookies and look for anything related to this URL

Thanks for the input: ask elsewhere, check Javascript, and cookies!

I just knew this would be a good place to ask ;-)

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