Beauregard T. Shagnasty wrote:
Rick Merrill wrote:

Thanks for the input: ask elsewhere, check Javascript, and cookies!

There could be other reasons, of course. It would be possible, but
unlikely, that you're infected with some sort of trojan or other
malware, but since the target site is quite innocuous...

Nevertheless, it might be a good idea to do a malware scan, if you don't
do things like this regularly in your Windows XP. Try:
Get free version; install; update signatures; do full scan.

What is your start page? You might also want to change it for awhile.

I just knew this would be a good place to ask ;-)

If you do find malware, and Malwarebytes doesn't fix it, next step would
be alt.privacy.spyware ...   :-)

In the registry I find one
... seamonkey.exe" /MAPIStartUp
what on earth could that be?

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