Daniel wrote:
Rufus wrote:
NoOp wrote:
On 07/12/2010 04:18 AM, Daniel wrote:
NoOp wrote:
On 07/11/2010 03:46 AM, Daniel wrote:
I have several Usenet accounts, and even of late with the spamming
and here-abouts, I've often thought it would be useful to have just
set of filters that apply to each and every account!!

Set the filters for the news server (news.mozilla.org) rather than the
group (mozilla.support.seamonkey). That way they apply across all
on the server. Example (msgFilterRules.dat):

No problem, NoOp, when I set up a filter, especially for UseNet, I do
select to apply the filter to the server, not just the particular group.

But, ultimately, I would like to apply them all to all my news
servers at once, not just to a particular server.


Ah, I see what you're asking now. I know of no way to do that all in one
go. However, I _think_ if you set up one you could then copy the same
msgFilterRules.dat file to the other news folders. Disclaimer: I've not
tried this, so back up & then try - maybe with a test profile first. I
can try later today on a test system if you'd rather me do the
breaking :-)

I've done this - just a couple days ago. It works.

I don't know how you did it, Rufus, but, if every I get motivated, I'd be looking in prefs.js to see if there is a separate location listed for each of the msgFilterRules.dat files, and if so, try pointing each one to the same location.

Is this how you did it, Rufus??


No - I didn't touch any of the .js files...

What I did was to duplicate the one msgFilterRules.dat file that I had in my master Account and put those duplicates into the folders for the other Accounts, replacing the ones that were there. That way I ended up with the same base rule/filter set for each Account/server.

Then I went into the individual Accounts and performed a couple minor Edit actions to add or remove what I wanted for each. Took me all of about 5 minutes.

     - Rufus
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