Rob Lindauer wrote:
This is probably an operator headspace problem, but perhaps someone here
can help me...

I have received an html format email from someone that includes a
reference to a pdf file,

The problem is that when I click the file, I always get a ClamAV scan,
with no prompt to select another action.

I've looked at the message source; The URL above seems just to be
inserted into a block of plain text. SM does recognize it as a URL,
though; the formatted display shows the URL as a hyperlink.

There are other similar URLs (pdf files) in the same message, but in the
other cases, Document Viewer opens when I click the link (again with no
prompt for another choice of action). In those cases the URLs are again
just inserted in a block of plain text.

I've looked in the list of SM browser helper applications; I see two
entries for PDF files, both invoking Document Viewer. (Of course, I
don't know if helper applications are even relevant to HTML format
emails.) I've also checked Nautilus' settings, which point to Document
Viewer (but that's probably irrelevant too).

So... Can you suggest what I should look at to figure out why this
particular pdf file is triggering ClamAV rather than triggering Document
Viewer? Is there a way for me to change / update the association that's
being used to "always ask" or "always use Document Viewer"?


O.K., I'll ask the obvious question. Does ClamAV find anything to worry about??

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